|Move New Copy|: drag copy to same or another document window. |Command| key releases |grid snap|.
|Must Move Copy|: drag the new copy of the object; otherwise, the object is not created.
|Must Move Copy Into Document|: move the object copy into the document area of the window. If you don't, the |Copy| action is cancelled.
|Text Style Grab|: the text style is grabbed with the |Shift| and |Option| keys.
|Text Family Grab|: the text font family is grabbed with the |Shift| key.
|Text Size Grab|: the text size is grabbed with the |Option| key.
|Texture Grab|
|Grab Cancel|: by moving the pointer away from the original click position, you will cancel the grab.
|Grab Text Values|: the font family, size, style, and color are grabbed. Use combinations of |Shift| and |Option| keys for grabbing separate attributes.
|Grab Border Texture|: for |Lines| the border texture, including thickness, is grabbed. Hold |Shift| and |Option| keys for only thickness. Hold |Shift| for only pattern and colors.
|Grab Border and Fill Texture|: for most graphic objects both the border and fill textures are grabbed. Hold |Shift| and |Option| keys for only thickness. Use |Shift| for border texture; use |Option| for fill texture.
|No Color In Picture|: the picture has |retained| its original colors. You cannot grab these colors.
|Grab Fill Colors|: the fill colors are grabbed (not the pattern). |Bitmaps| do not have a border or fill pattern.
|No Objects for Replacement|: select some objects, or unlock some of currently selected objects.
|Replacing|: objects will be replaced.
|None to Cycle|: you cannot send this document window behind, because it is the furthest document window.
|Send Window Behind|: send this document window behind all other document windows.
|Scrolling Background Document|: use the scroll bars. The document is not brought to the front.
|Bring Document to Front|: clicking on the document window brings the window to the front of other document windows.